Sunday, July 26, 2015

S-2 (July 26)

S-2 (July 26)

The second week of training is done.  According to a friend of ours that is a Marine, Jeremiah has one more week of Hell, then it's all endurance.  I hope he's right!

Next week Jeremiah should be doing the Confidence Course, SDI Inspection, and Initial Drill.

The Confidence Course has eleven obstacles designed to be progressively difficult.  It's supposed to be a good morale builder since many recruits can negotiate the obstacles with ease after a little practice.

The SDI Inspection is when the Senior Drill Instructor (SDI) inspects the recruits' uniforms and rifles and tests them on Marine Corps knowledge they have been studying.

Initial Drill tests each platoon's ability to listen to the drill instructors' orders at this point in time.  Obviously they'll get better the longer they are in training.  It shows their current degree of discipline.

I'm not sure if all these activities this next week are a competition, but I know the Initial Drill is.  They're competing for the title of Honor Platoon that will be awarded at graduation.

Supposedly sometime after the SDI Inspection, Jeremiah will likely see the "Hurricane in the Barracks" where the DIs go through and upend bunks, toss items, empty footlockers into a big pile, etc.  Luckily I did what I was advised to do and sent Jeremiah a gallon sized ziplock bag to keep his letters and pictures in.  Now I'm getting advice not to warn him about these, but it's too late.  I already sent a letter that explained the ziplock baggie.  I just pray he doesn't end up with two different sized boots like his cousin, Seth, did when he was in boot camp.

Three weeks down...ten to go.

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