Sunday, August 30, 2015

T-39-40 (August 27-28)

T-39-40 (August 27 - 28) - Table II

The second qualifications for their marksmanship will be held during Table II.  Here they only use the standing or kneeling positions for short range and quick reaction methods.  They fire at targets not knowing the distance.  The distance here isn't as far, though, as in Table I.  There the targets were 200, 300 or 500 yards away and in Table II they are 25 - 50 yards away.  The scores they get here are added to those earned in Table I to determine if they are Marksman, Sharpshooter, or Expert.

Some recruits are writing home about their scores, pleased to have an "Expert" score after Table I.  It could change in Table II, though.  Recruits that were Marksman in Table I, could even move up to Sharpshooter, while recruits that were Expert in Table I get bumped down to Sharpshooter in Table II.  

Jeremiah hasn't shared his scores with us, so I guess we'll find out either when he decides to write it in a letter, or at graduation.  

We did receive a letter though, on August 27th.  He sounds good.  He wants to go to Sea World after graduation and wants the whole family to come.  He also requested that we send him an "Ensign" magazine, which totally warms my heart.  I love that he's staying close to the Lord during this trying time.  He's such a neat young man.  He'll be an awesome Marine!

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