There were classroom sessions today focusing on personal appearance while in civilian clothes. I'm probably fortunate that Jeremiah wasn't one to go around in ripped up jeans and stuff. He'll probably stop wearing sweats around and wear jeans more frequently. Hopefully he'll shave more. He didn't need to do it daily, but more than once a week would be nice.

Jeremiah starts week 10 tomorrow. On the schedule is:
- Final Drill
- Final Practical Application Test - includes things like first aid, customs and courtesies, USMC uniform and rank identification, weapons assembly and disassembly.
- Final Written Academic Test - core values and ethics, first aid, military history, customs and courtesies, USMC uniforms, leadership, USMC policy and organization, BWT (Basic Warrior Training), land navigation, hand and arm signals, and marksmanship.
- Final PFT
- Company Commander's Inspection - The Company Commander is the highest ranking Marine the recruits have encountered thus far, and is the officer in charge of their company. It's their second formal inspection that recruits stand, and it is an opportunity for the Company Commander and his officers to evaluate the progress of the recruits in the company, evaluate knowledge, discipline, and bearing, and to inspect the service uniforms for proper fit and wear.
- MOS (Military Occupations Specialty) may happen this week if they haven't already been assigned one. Jeremiah is a reservist and already has his MOS which is something to do with welding. Not sure of the exact title.
- Travel calls (supposedly around the 16th but some families are already getting them).
- Travel to Camp Pendleton on Sunday, September 20 to get ready for The Crucible!
What a week ahead of them! He's almost there!
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