Monday, August 24, 2015

S-5 (August 16)

S-5 (August 16, 2015)

It's a Sunday again!  Phew!  The recruits get to rest a bit and go to "religious services."

I wish Jeremiah had known there was a special group in the LDS church that helps prepare future military members spiritually.  Frankly, though, I think he was pretty prepared.  I did find a video on the website that shows a video about what support systems are out there for LDS individuals in the military.  Seeing video of one of sacrament meetings and comparing it to recruits singing something about Elias that other people have posted made me tear up since I know that taking the sacrament is so important.  I'm so glad that Jeremiah is attending these services.  They will help keep him strong spiritually and give him the fortitude to get through anything the Marine Corps thows his way.

We discussed the meaning of "Semper Fi" before Jeremiah left.  I asked him what he needs to be "Always Faithful" to.  His first response was family.  We decided, however, that he really needs to be faithful to God, Family and his country, in that order.

Here's the video that our church puts out about the support military members have.

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