Monday, August 24, 2015

T-35 (August 22)

T-35 (August 22, 2015)

8 mile/13k hike today for the recruits.  According to a site called, the hikes started out as 1.5 miles with a small day pack.  Then they increase to a 3-mile, 5-mile (on T-29), 7-mile (T35 - Today),and two 10-mile hikes with a full ILBE pack, rifle, Kevlar and flak jacket.  He describes a hike as "putting 150 lbs of weight into a 90 lbs. pack, grabbing your rifle, your Kevlar and your flak jacket and doing a light run."  He says the hikes mentioned above don't include your daily hikes to class and during the Crucible.

A different source says the packs weigh 40-55 lbs, so I'll probably believe somewhere between the two numbers.  Probably 100 lbs is a safe guess.  I bet it feels like 150 lbs by the time they're done, though.

We did receive a letter that Jeremiah wrote on S5 (August 16) and he said "Hikes here hurt but I power through them the best I can."  He also says that "the positions they tought us for shooting hurt, but I am able to handle it."  Jeremiah also talks about Incentive Training (IT) and tells us it's a form of punishment.  He says the DIs "started kicking sand in recruits eyes and face, but that's part of recruit training when you get IT."  Hopefully Jeremiah wasn't one getting the IT!

At this point there's only six weeks until graduation!  He's over 1/2 way there!

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