Thursday, August 6, 2015

T-19 (August 4)

T-19 (August 4)

More "Swim Week," although pictures of the Confidence Course were posted today.  Unfortunately it wasn't Jeremiah's platoon that showed up in the photographs.

Learning more about swim week.  Turns out it could be pretty much a swim day rather than a week since most pass the first day.  However, I did find out that the recruits can be divided a bit during swim week.  DIs may ask recruits which of them used to be on a swim team or is a great swimmer.  Those recruits are put in a Blue Vest as a "Blue Duck."  The recruits willing to admit that they can't swim well are "Iron Ducks."  The Blue Ducks are put in charge of an Iron Duck and are responsible to make sure the "iron duck" doesn't drown.  The blue ducks generally help the iron ducks succeed at swim week.

Today supposedly was a day for the iron ducks in the pool.  Not sure if it was just them in the pool, or if all recruits went to the pool at some point.  Tomorrow, all recruits should be at the pool doing cannonballs (something Jeremiah practiced while on vacation this summer) and learning how to survive expected and unexpected deep water (too deep to stand) with and without their gear.

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