Sunday, August 30, 2015

T-36-38 (August 24-26) - Field Week

T36-38 (August 24 - 26) - Field Week

The last week of Phase 2!  Today they start "Field Week" where the recruits start putting their training all together.  They "practice war" this week.  They'll live in tents at Camp Pendleton, learning patrolling, firing, setting up camp, etc.  They also do Basic Warrior Training which introduces them to field living conditions.  They'll do more of this type of training in the School of Infantry (SOI) after boot camp.  This 3-day Basic Warrior Training teaches them basic field skills like setting up tents, field sanitation and camouflage.

They will also learn fire team employment in offensive and defensive postures including hand and arm signals, land navigation both day and night, IED detection techniques, cover and concealment.

Land navigation is a more extensive version of the Orienteering merit badge from what I can tell.  The recruits will have been taught to read a map and compass and then are turned lose in the woods to find their way...somewhere.

IED training is important since it's a big factor in modern warfare.  The recruits learn to spot what may be an IED.  Simulated IEDs are placed along a trail called "IED Lane."  They have to spot the IED and avoid it.  If they trip a simulated IED, they learn how to evacuate the area, post security, etc.
A video of what they will be doing this week is on the right side of this blog.

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