Monday, August 24, 2015

S-6 (August 23)

S-6 (August 23, 2015)

It's Sunday again, so the recruits get a little break while they go to their religious services.  (I guess the military doesn't use the term "church.")  From what I understand, they will also have the "inventory" PFT (Physical Fitness Test) where they will be graded to fleet Marine Corps standards.  They are tested on : pull-ups, abdominal "crunches" and a 3-mile run.  This will be their base-level performance and used as a comparison when they take the "final" PFT on T-60, right before the Crucible.

Next week the recruits will get moved back to MCRD San Diego.  There could be one platoon that stays at Camp Pendleton for one more week, sometimes it's the platoon that won initial drill, which would be Jeremiah's platoon.  I guess we'll find out soon.

As a fun note, there was a joke posted by an admin on a group I'm part of.

Not so smart Recruits
As a group of Recruits stood in formation, the Drill Instructor said, "All right! All you idiots fall out."
As the rest of the squad ran away, one Recruit remained at attention. The Drill instructor walked over until he was eye-to-eye with him, and then raised a single eyebrow.
The Recruit smiled and said, "Sure was a lot of 'em, huh, sir?"

Originally posted by MarineMaker, 2004

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