Thursday, August 6, 2015

T-21 (August 6)

T-21 (August 6)

Last day of swim week! Really that title is a misnomer since it only lasted four days!  This morning, Hope, Jeremiah's little sister, woke up and said she needed to figure out what Jeremiah was doing today.  She ran back in making swimming motions with her hands.  It was cute!  She misses her big brother.

The recruits will swim today as well as work with Pugil Sticks.  Looking at video, I think Jeremiah will have fun with this.

This should be the recruits second time with Pugil sticks, so they probably won't be nervous this time and work on their form.  To win  a match, they have to strike their opponent in the head or show dominance over their opponent.

A letter came from Jeremiah today, and he reports to being "okay." He is grateful for the protein bars that everyone seems to be sending.  So many have been sent that there's a foot locker full and they only get one when the SDI says they can.  Until then, the protein bars are locked up.

Jeremiah and one other recruit are the only LDS individuals in the platoon.  He says it's kind of lonely there for prayer groups in which the prayer leader presides.  He says the letters from home have helped him prepare lessons.  I know I have concentrated on helping him stay spiritually strong since so much of boot camp (from what I hear) can be difficult on a persons spirituality.  However, Jeremiah gives much encouragement when he stated "my faith is starting to strengthen but Satan keeps interfering."  Of course Satan would do that, especially since Jeremiah feels his faith is growing!  Although the meme on the side is not entirely language appropriate, it's probably the sentiment that Satan has when Jeremiah gets up in the morning.  He's such a strong and spiritual young man.  The Marine Corps will only help make him stronger.

I put a little video together of the pictures that have been posted thus far.  The song is Semper Fi by Trace Adkins.  I really like it and hope to eventually have pictures through graduation playing to either this song or the Marine Hymn.

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